Thoughts and Features


Flexibility is the new stability - By melanie (FCMA, CGMA)

Flexible workspace, flexible hours, flexible location - what was once an exception is rapidly becoming the norm. Communication tools such as Microsoft Teams and accessible video conferencing tools, Zoom, Skype etc mean that individuals can stay in touch wherever their location. Businesses are frequently global in nature, so the traditional 9 to 5 office hours are extended to incorporate more timezones and a flexible approach is needed to ensure that hours worked whatever time of the day are still within the hours an individual is employed for - not so much shift work, more time management of the working day! Often employees may choose to work hours outside of the “normal” in order to manage their own work/life balance, ensuring they have the opportunity to involve themselves in their own personal priorities whether that is family life, volunteering at a charity or a time consuming hobby. The ability to upscale or downscale the amount of space required on a monthly basis allows businesses to take on projects of different sizes, add or reduce staffing levels or grow rapidly - flexible office spaces such as Fora and Spaces provide just that. This flexible approach to business does not always come easy and business leaders need to often shift their thinking in order to manage their team effectively. Underpinning the business with good processes, relevant software and tools and trusted partners is essential for success. Scalable solutions for front and back office support, space and staff are a must. But when a business gets this right, then flexibility is definitely the new stability!


The changing shape of back office support staff - by Rebecca

With the rapidly evolving digital landscape the roles of back office support staff have changed in recent times. The typing pool has long since disbanded, instead dicatation goes directly to software for processing, serviced and flexible office space remove the need for facilities management and virtual assistants (Alexa is very annoying!) can book travel. These are just a few of the adjustments that are happening and the arrival of new communication tools, software and apps are almost a daily occurrence. To be an administrator in today’s business world you need to be so much more. Understanding a business, setting up relevant and scalable processes and using new software are essential. The administrators of today are digitally savvy and operationally sound. It’s an exciting time as whilst it may seem that the likes of Alexa are stealing our tasks in reality they are allowing us to have a career path that is varied and exciting and puts us at the heart of a business. Even taking AI in to consideration and its role in processing paperwork, there is still a need for this all to be verified and for admin staff to be the glue that keeps the business functioning. Knowing the business, its leaders and staff is as essential as knowing the core business offering. Whether you work in house or for a “Super Team” such as Bright Ledge, there has never been a better time for administrators to grow our skillsets and opportunities.